[cmd] Logger – Strooth mod

0 841 Views No Comments 3 years ago
  • Logger from Pshai, recreated as a custom command to drop into any script, without taking up to much visual script space and should then get threading speed improvements (happy to be corrected here).

    Has three parameters – name so you can define if using it more than once to create seperate log identifiers and the ability to enable disable and set level via script input or normal input. Also using list to string command which is required and modded in, it should output any list or array without a drama no matter how deep and staggered the tree goes basically.

    To use it in a script – at the head of the script load it into a variable like so

    local Logger = CC_Logger()

    then to use

    Logger.Log('something i need to log') 

    Note requires my custom command [cmd] ListToString

    — Author – Strooth – Find me on discord – strooth#4739
    — Feel free to donate to support my work or if my script helped you in any way <3
    — BTC Adress: 33MsEAbA8tg7SpohgnCpSrmPTBih2UkhxQ

    HaasScript Code
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