Here it is; the humble hunchback of the debugger: LOGGER.
Logger is a simple class object, which brings depth to debugging.
You can follow execution paths and trace bugs with precision.Installation: Simply copy and paste the snippet to your project! Just make sure Logger and its functions are defined before they are used.
* Logger:log() – Normal log, as long as logger level is set to [All].
* Logger:warn() – Warning log, as long as logger level is set to [All] or [Errors & Warnings].
* Logger:error() – Error log.
* Logger:enter() – Enter new scope. Will be added to the scope-path when logging messages.
* Logger:exit() – Exit the current scope. Will remove the latest entry from the scope-path.Rest of the functions are for Logger’s internal use only.
-- normal log msg Logger:log('we are in Main, and this only shows when we log All') -- normal log msg with color Logger:log('logger supports colors as well', Green) function doSomething() -- enter new scope Logger:enter('doSomething') -- log a warning Logger:warn('this time we warn something at Main::doSomething') -- exit current scope Logger:exit() end doSomething() -- log an error Logger:error('execution stops here')