[Ratimbum] BloodEmperor

5 1971 Views 2 Comments 2 years ago
  • This is a short scalper based on a very rough approximation of the following conditions:

    – Open MACD & EMA200 on 5 min timeframe
    – Condition 1: price must trade below EMA200
    – Condition 2: MACD is above 0 line
    – Condition 3: Blue line crosses orange line

    If someone has the time to fully implement all conditions in Code Editor, please post it here after 🙂

    We all need a little help after FTX.

    MA settings should be set to EMA = 200 and SMA =9 (SMA should track price and not be distant)
    MACD Signal should be MacD – Zero Cross

    (Please check the settings screenshot 😉 )

    This bot will not function well in a change of trend. This is a bear market scalper and the weights of the indicators will make it hard for it to produce longs.

    HaasScript Code
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    • #3342

      Do you think it can be made faster? So that it works on 5 minute chart with multiple positions opened and closed within an hour when possible?
      Apart from the question about this bot, my purpose would be to find a Scalping Bot on 1/5 minute chart, which creates a single position and exits from it based on some data such as EMA 60, EMA 100 and EMA 150, wanting also STC and Trend Trading Strategy.
      I am quite inexperienced so I don’t know if it is feasible and safe as a thing, understanding the risk of this kind of trading.

    • #3368

      Thanks for script, I create code version (it’s isn’t 1:1), but I believe that everybody can easy tweak the code by yourself.

      — Author: PragueQuantTrader
      stopLossValue = Input(‘StopLoss’, 3)
      takeProfitValue = Input(‘Profit’, 5)

      close = ClosePrices()
      high = HighPrices()
      low = LowPrices()

      signalMacd = SignalWeight(EasyMACD(1), 2)
      signalRSI = SignalWeight(CC_EasyVolumeRSI(2),2)
      signalMA = SignalWeight(EasyMA(0),2)

      signal = GetWeightedConsensusSignal(3,3,1, signalMacd, signalRSI, signalMA)

      indicatorContainer = IndicatorContainer(signal)
      indicatorSignal = indicatorContainer[1]

      safeties = SafetyContainer(StopLoss(stopLossValue)) — StopLoss(stopLossValue) TakeProfit(takeProfitValue)

      — Insurances
      insurances = InsuranceContainer() — OvercomeFeeCosts() TradeOnlySideways()

      — Trade Bot
      TradeBotContainer(safeties, indicatorSignal, insurances)

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