[pshaiBot] Mini-C (Trend Mod)

2 694 Views No Comments 4 years ago
  • Hello peeps!

    Here is yet another simple, managed trading bot ride your waves – or scalp the swings?

    This bot was originally made with only CCI and 2 moving averages put on top of CCI. The cross-overs of these 2 moving averages were the only signal and I got a lot of good results out of it. But it wasn’t enough… So I added a few more things to it to filter out trades based the trend.

    Trade filtering options:
    – MA direction
    – Price above/below MAs
    – Both

    Trading Signals:
    – Selected filter from above
    – CCI cross-over/-under

    Safeties implemented:
    – Hard Trailing Stop-Loss (no rebounds)
    – ProfitTrailer (optional rebounds)
    – BreakEven (optional rebounds) [Get it here: [pshaiCmd] Break Even Safety]

    I also included a bunch of custom reports if you want to sort by those when doing Mad Labs Magic, or you just want to see how this bot performs when it’s running live.

    NOTE: There are 3 scores I experimented with when running it in Labs. I’m not sure how well they tell you anything, but they seemed to provide very different scores for different results. I cannot really provide any more information on them because they are just some weird experiment. 🙂

    ~May The Profits Be With You~

    Consider donating if you like these freebies! 🙂
    BTC: 1MTEdma4LgdN2hSadRppeZ6PxsyXQNuxS2
    ETH: 0x2f052efde92ded10e05e00277f4a5cdfd9c280ca
    USDT: 0x2f052efde92ded10e05e00277f4a5cdfd9c280ca

    HaasScript Code
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